Missions of “The Association”
Non-profit organization for the study and advancement of the use of robotics in Gynaecologic Surgery
- To create an INDIAN group of gynaecologists who doing active robotic surgery
- The Association will be dedicated to the advancement and development of Robotic Surgery.
- To provide and develop standards and supervision for training and teaching in Gynaecological Robotic Surgery.
- To encourage Evidence Based Practice in order to define indications, surgical techniques and scientific research.
- To provide MISSION STATEMENTS & GUIDELINES FOR TRAINING & IMPLEMEMNTATION of Robotic gynaecological surgical technology for both benign & oncological surgery in women.
- To make Robotic Gynecological surgery widely adopted and available to all women of India irrespective of caste, color, creed and social status.
- To conduct national and international meetings.
- To engage with industry partners in order to help guide the direction of clinical and commercial development that ultimately benefits women in India.
- To promote communication with other relevant scientific and professional organizations globally.
- To improve women’s gynaecological surgical healthcare in India through openly sharing and tracking clinical outcomes for research, process improvement and procedural development.
- To create public awareness and opinion in matters relating to Robotic Gynaecological Surgery
- To hold scientific meetings, orations, awards, fellowships, scholarships, prizes etc., for gynecologists interested in gynaecological robotic surgery.
- To promote, sponsor and publish bulletins, newsletters, journals, books etc., to serve as a medium of communication and advancement of knowledge amongst the members of the Association and other individuals, organizations, agencies and institutions interested in Robotic Gynaecological Surgery.
- To get the Association registered with the registrar of societies, the charity commissioner and income-tax authorities.